Howdy, readers! It's time to dig into another Birth Stories for Books interview. Today we'll take a deep dive into Joyce Uglow's debut nonfiction picture book, STUCK! THE STORY OF LA BREA TAR PITS (illustrated by Valerya Milovanova, Bushel and Peck Books, March 4, 2025).
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by Joyce Uglow and Valerya Milovanova |
Dawn Prochovnic: Welcome to the blog, Joyce. We "met" recently via our mutual membership in 12X12. I was interested in hearing about your newsletters on Substack, and I was fascinated with your debut nonfiction picture book, STUCK! THE STORY OF LA BREA TAR PITS. I'm eager to learn more about your path to publication for this book.
I'd like to start by learning about the inspiration that sparked the idea for this story, and the process and timeframe between your initial idea for the book and the story that was formulated fully enough to submit to an agent or editor.
Joyce Uglow: STUCK! came to me the first time I visited La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, CA. I stared in wonder standing in front of the Smilodon exhibit. My original notion was to feature Smilodon as a main character who would travel the USA. Oh, my goodness! What an unmarketable idea… When I started researching animals trapped in the asphalt seeps, I realized the story is MUCH BIGGER than the 3.5 million fossils stored and displayed in the museum. Two words: climate change. Paleontologists’ research unearthed findings showing changes that impacted the ice age ecosystem trapped over 50,000 years in hidden pools of asphalt. They found that human-caused fires impacted a great deal. Since 2018, I’ve read research and interviewed scientists to ensure the accuracy in the book’s text and in the art. This book is dedicated to La Brea scientists Dr. Emily Lindsey and Dr. Regan Dunn.
DP: Wow! It sounds like the content for this story really took hold and grabbed you!
When you compare one of your earliest drafts of this story to the version in the published book, what stands out for you in terms of what is most different? Likewise, is there anything in particular that stands out that was included in your earliest drafts and survived the revision process?
JU: Once I started the manuscript, I knew I wanted to write using a light mood and tone because this topic is somewhat dark. I worked to soften the blow of the huge number of unsuspecting ice age animals that met their demise in the stickiness. Each iteration of the manuscript got stronger via the wisdom of input from my critique group members. They shined a light on the arc and the language. I’m eternally grateful for their thoughtful feedback. Below is a snapshot of one of the early drafts with and early title STUCK! TRAPPED! STACKED IN THE PITS! This spread about the dragonfly moved to the end of the book in a slightly different format.
DP: Reflecting on the journey from idea to published book, are there any individuals, experiences, or opportunities that you credit with opening the door for you to bring this story to publication?
JU: Children’s Book Insider (CBI) publishes a monthly newsletter that is known for its articles on the writing industry and craft tips. The publication offers news and above-the-slush-pile submission opportunities. The CBI newsletter is published 12 times per year by Children’s Book Insider, LLC and can be found at .
When I felt that STUCK! was submission ready, I began looking for publishers that accepted manuscripts from unagented writers. Lo and behold, CBI featured editor Ryan G. Van Cleave of Bushel and Peck Books. I closely read and followed the submission guidelines. Several months later, I opened a celebratory email. Woohoo! Bushel and Peck offered me a contract for STUCK! Bushel and Peck Books is a highly respected and PAL approved press. (PAL is a term SCBWI uses for Published and Listed.) My SCBWI profile and listed books can be found here.
DP: One of the kindest and most thoughtful rejections I've received was from Ryan G. Van Cleave at Bushel and Peck. Hooray that your book found a home at such a lovely publishing house.
Your book has been described as a "lyrical non-fiction exploration, surrounding the history, and little-known origins, of the ice age and the La Brea Tar Pits." Based on a recent stroll through your website and blog, it's clear you have a love for, and experience with, poetry. Can you share how your interest and experience with poetry influenced and informed your picture book?
JU: I want to first recognize that my late mom, Marie Virginia (Hall) Cooper was a quiet writer. As an east coast high schooler and William and Mary college student, she wrote editorials and articles. As a busy mom, she quietly submitted her stories and editorials. Little did I know, that her writing practices would rub off on me. As an educator for students who benefitted from creative approaches, I often used writing to teach reading and picture books to teach writing. Because I was interested in creative approaches for reaching students, I researched the impact of using mentor texts on student literacy. This led to more involvement in literacy education and to serving as the president of the Wisconsin State Reading Association. This in turn, led to my responsibility of hiring presenters for the 2012 WSRA conference. In my search, I read about Janet Wong. Her presentation on poetry for kids at the 2012 WSRA conference hooked me on writing poetry. I have poems in books published by Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell’s Pomelo Books as well as in poetry anthologies published by Hey Hey Books and Northern Loon Press. As you noted, the text of STUCK! THE STORY OF LA BREA TAR PITS is lyrical. I have come to love the tone and mood of lyrical picture books.
DP: I just love how one connection leads to another and another in this business!
Who do you see as the ideal reader for this book and/or what would you love to hear a bookseller or librarian say as they "hand-sell" this book?
JU: I see students in grades 2 to 5 digging into it. The Next Generation Science Standards state:
3-LS4-1: Analyze and interpret data from fossils to provide evidence of the organisms and the environments in which they lived long ago.
And the connection to reading and writing is huge. Teachers work with student on the following:
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. (3-LS4-1)
Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. (3-LS4-1)
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. (3-LS4-1)
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. (3-LS4-1)
Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories. (3-LS4-1)
STUCK! recently received the following praise from a reviewer for The Bulletin for the Center for Children’s Books :
“This stirring story and its dynamic illustrations may manage to
enthrall even the least nature-focused kiddo, but any budding scientist will be thrilled to
discover the informative and accessible backmatter, where more information includes a
timeline, glossary, and list of trapped animals, potentially sparking a desire to learn even
more about this viscous part of our planet.”
DP: What a fantastic example of tying your book to established educational standards -- and whoo-hoo for the excellent review!
What resources would you suggest for readers who want more on this topic?
JU: Concerns about climate change and its impact on the world around us are growing. Scientific studies at La Brea Tar Pits are working to find more about the link between climate warming and the evolution of Ice Age predators, and attempting to predict how animals will respond to climate change today. If it is possible for a reader to travel, I recommend taking a trip to the amazing La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, CA. The fossil exhibits are stand-and-stare-worthy. If accessing the information in person is not feasible, here are some cool resources.
More info:
• Stones and Bones: Fossils and the stories they tell
• Fossils for Kids: An Introduction to Paleontology (Simple Introductions to Science)
DP: Thanks for these great resources, Joyce!
What would be your dream review for this book? Who would this review be from? And where would this review be published or posted?
JU: My BIG WHY: I write picture books centered on wonder combined with my passion for nature, the planet, and my child-like curiosity-driven interest in bees, trees, whale families, and much more. I write picture books for curious kids as they change and grow.
My dream review would come in the form of a thank you or a letter from kids who love our book. Of course, we’d be very grateful to have readers post positive reviews on Kirkus Reviews, Library Science Journal, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble. It would be a dream come true to see STUCK! THE STORY OF LA BREA TAR PITS in every book store.
DP: Here's to seeing all of that and more for this book, Joyce!
One of my favorite parts of being an author is connecting with young readers at school, library, and bookstore visits, and I’m always looking for fresh tips. Do you have any professional advice or suggestions for fellow author/presenters in terms of planning successful (in-person and/or remote) book-related events?
JU: I was a part of conference planning committees for the Wisconsin State Reading Association for many years. The best presenters came prepared with a rehearsed presentation, tech tools, handouts, and a smile. Flexibility is a must, because things can go sideways. Bring a plan B. ¯\_(ใ)_/¯.
DP: Great tips!
If you could go back in time, what would you tell your pre-published self? Or, said another way, what do you know now, that you wished you would have known a bit earlier?
JU: Patience is a virtue.
DP: Indeed! Especially in this business!
Is there something you wish someone would ask you about your path to publication for STUCK! THE STORY OF LA BREA TAR PITS, that you haven’t had the opportunity to share yet?
JU: Q: What is the most effective marketing tool that does not come across as self-promotion?
A: My answer to that is ELEVATE, my One Little Word for 2025.
Announcing uGROnews - a newsletter for kidlit authors and illustrators curated by Joyce P. Uglow and Kathy Groth and published on the Substack platform. The title of this newsletter comes from their last names and speaks to the mission of uGROnews. Both authors volunteer for SCBWI Wisconsin. Kathy currently serves as chair of Publications Promotions and Joyce carries out the duties of the Assistant Regional Advisor. uGROnews gets delivered to readers and subscribers on Substack at no cost. Joyce conducts Q&A written interviews she calls Creatives’ Point of View, which get posted on or about the 15th of each month. The goal is to ELEVATE fellow kidlit creatives and their new projects, offer opportunities for authors and illustrators to increase awareness surrounding their latest releases or soon-to-be-released projects to the writing community. uGROnews is a way to showcase the book, share its vital idea, and describe the project’s publishing journey from idea to book. Equally important is the second post made at the end of the month. The How To Pointers curated by Kathy, gather know-how about various aspects of the craft of writing and publishing. Uglow and Groth see the incredible creativity, talent, and skill that members of the writing community have. If you happen to be a reader on Substack please check out uGROnews. If interested, subscribe and share with others.
DP: What great resources for our readers, Joyce. Thanks for sharing!
Do you have anything you’d like to tell us about what you’re currently working on?
JU: You asked THAT question. Here goes… I read and support the writing community in a variety of ways. If you’re a member of Inked Voices, I recently posted a discussion about back matter there. In addition, I’ll be Mighty Kidlit Featured Author in September to dig into back matter some more. In terms of poetry, Cynthia Mackey and I are co-hosting a poetry and illustration challenge. The kick-off is March 14 but you can join anytime. Here’s a quick look on YouTube. We’ll post a one-word prompt you on Instagram and BlueSky. The details will be announced on February 14 on Substack. Watch for the STUCK BUMBLEBEE CHALLENGE. Join in on the fun!
In terms of writing poetry and picture books, I am fortunate to have been granted a Pacing Mentorship with the amazing Jodell Sadler of Sadler Literary. The mentorship is through Rate Your Story on the Mighty KidLit Creator platform. I’m working on a half dozen manuscripts to polish them. Stay tuned!
DP: Wowza! You've got LOTS going on in the next few months, Joyce. Very exciting!
What is the best way for readers to get in touch with you or get their hands on your book(s)?
JU: I have details about my books, author visits, and poetry on my website at .
Social media:
STUCK is available wherever you buy books.
Bushel and Peck Books Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop
DP: Thanks so much for sharing your Birth Story for STUCK! THE STORY OF LA BREA TAR PITS with us, Joyce!
Dear readers, you've heard me say it before: the best way to thank an author whose insights have been helpful and/or inspiring to you is to support their work. Follow them on social media. Subscribe to their newsletter(s). Buy their books. Request them from your library. Read and share them with others.
Joyce P. Uglow writes lyrical picture books about nature, science, and our planet. Retired from a career in education, she is the author of STUCK! The Story of La Brea Tar Pits (Bushel & Peck Books/March 4, 2025) and poetry in several anthologies (Pomelo Books, Hey Hey Books, The Dirigible Balloon, Northern Loon Press). Joyce loves family gatherings, gardening, and exploring National Parks, mountains, rocks and the ocean with her husband, Larry. She serves as SCBWI Wisconsin Assistant Regional Advisor and a round one 2024 CYBILS Poetry judge. She is unwaveringly committed to sparking kids' curiosity. Visit Joyce’s website to learn more.**********
Birth Stories for Books is an occasional feature of Dawn Babb Prochovnic's blog. Dawn is the author of multiple picture books including, Lucy's Blooms, Where Does a Cowgirl Go Potty?, Where Does a Pirate Go Potty?, and 16 books in the Story Time With Signs & Rhymes series. Dawn is a contributing author to the award-winning book, Oregon Reads Aloud, and a frequent presenter at schools, libraries, and educational conferences. Contact Dawn using the form at the left, or learn more at